Saturday, April 9, 2016

Open Windows

There's something unexplanably wonderful about an open window on a breezy spring day. 

We don't have windows in the dorms, but I remember cool days in the house I grew up in. 
The house wasn't perfect. It was old and messy, but it was home. When the weather was nice outside, we would open the windows and sometimes the front door, letting nature breathe into our place. Even the thought of this memory brings me peace.

I thought about this. 
If we are in our house for many days and never step outside, the least we can do is open a window to remember what it feels like. If we don't step outside, or open the windows, we only notice what's inside the house we are in. 

I do this a lot, I've noticed; only focused on myself. The focus isn't good, though. 
You see, my focus is on how I look to other people, what I sound like, smell like, act like, feel like. It's all geared in towards myself. 
But today I did something. I focused on a brighter thing: Jesus. 
I remembered, today, to open the windows to my soul and let the light in. He breathed into me. 

As I sat in my bed with pen in hand and my journal and Bible in front of me, I heard Jesus say, "Lay back and listen to Me."
I layed down and found myself fidgety. I kept thinking of what I could be doing. He said, "Stop. Let Me in." 

I opened the window and rested. 

Thank You Jesus. 
Thank You for rest.
Thank You for breathing into me. 
I'm a vessel for your Love.
Remind me to always let you in; to open the window and be filled with Your peace. 
I let You in. 

Isaiah 43:1
Isaiah 42:6-7

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