The Kingdom.
It's a place we know we will reach someday. Little do a lot of us know that it's actually within us.
“Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.””
Luke 17:20-21 nkjv
When I would suffer from a cluttered mind or felt the need to get away, I would find myself on Pinterest looking up pictures of far away places. Maybe if I could take myself away to see these pictures come to life before me, I would experience true peace.
I now see the fault in that thinking.
There are also times I've experienced doing absolutely nothing and finding it adventurous. I wasn't sure why I felt the sense of adventure snuggling in a chair drinking tea.
We should not rely on peace in the world around us to give us fulfillment, because we all know the world does not know peace. Going away to a quiet place won't give you the peace you need.
Quiet places just give our minds a time to rest; to clear the mess our thoughts have created. When we learn to think on things that give us peace is when we will know peace.
Our minds and the thoughts in our minds have a direct influence on what's going on inside our hearts.
You can go places in your mind and be adventurous right where you are.
I saw a quote once that read,
"The Mind: an invisible force."
It's like all these pieces are coming together.
I truly have all the permission and authority to step into an adventure right where I am. The adventure lies within us. The positivity and peace is within me. There is no reaching out to grab it.
Jesus is not far away from us. He is here now.
Going new places and trying new things is definitely something to pursue as we live on this planet for such a short time, but the thinking I had that adventuring these places would bring me fulfillment is just wrong on all ends.
Jesus, life with you is an adventure. You are my peace.
And there is no convincing me of this. It's reality to me.
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